Ho Tzu Nyen
Ho Tzu Nyen生於並現居新加坡,其創作橫跨動畫、影片、表演和裝置藝術,透過借用並重塑神話和歷史,對現實世界和歷史的建構方式提出質疑。
他的大部分作品都與新加坡息息相關,新加坡是前英國殖民地,現在則是多元文化的島國。 Ho Tzu Nyen的藝術創作以新加坡為中心向外延伸,並開始融入東南亞和東亞其他文化的神話和歷史。
一個題為《Ho Tzu Nyen: Time & the Tiger》的調查展覽於2023年在新加坡美術館揭幕,涵蓋他過去二十年以來的作品。展覽將於今年在首爾善宰藝術中心(Art Sonje Center)和紐約埃塞爾藝術博物館(Hessel Museum of Art)巡迴展出,再於2025年進駐盧森堡現代美術館(Mudam Contemporary Art Museum)。他亦於2024年4月在東京都現代美術館舉辦名為《A for Agents》的個展。
他表示:「CHANEL Next Prize為我提供支持,鼓勵我大步向前邁進。」
T for Time, 2023–ongoing. Commissioned by Singapore Art Museum and Art Sonje Centre with M+, in collaboration with Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo and Sharjah Art Foundation and supported by KOFICE. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue. Exhibition view at Ho Tzu Nyen: Time & the Tiger at Singapore Art Museum, 2023.
T for Time: Timepieces, 2023–ongoing. Commissioned by Singapore Art Museum and Art Sonje Centre with M+, in collaboration with Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo and Sharjah Art Foundation. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue.
Exhibition view at Ho Tzu Nyen: Time & the Tiger at Singapore Art Museum, 2023.
The Cloud of Unknowing, 2011. Installation view at the Singapore Pavilion, Venice Biennale 2011. Photo by Russell Morton. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue.
The Cloud of Unknowing, 2011. Installation view at Singapore Art Museum, 2013.
Photo by Singapore Art Museum. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue.
The Cloud of Unknowing, 2011. Collection of Singapore Art Museum. Exhibition view at Ho Tzu Nyen: Time & the Tiger at Singapore Art Museum, 2023.
Hotel Aporia, 2019. Collection of Singapore Art Museum. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue. Exhibition view at Ho Tzu Nyen: Time & the Tiger at Singapore Art Museum, 2023.
CDOSEA (The Critical Dictionary of Southeast Asia), 2017–ongoing. In collaboration with Sebastian Lütgert, Jan Gerber and Bani Haykal. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue.
CDOSEA (The Critical Dictionary of Southeast Asia), 2017–ongoing. Documentation of installation at The Principle of Uncertainty at MMCA Seoul, 2017. Courtesy of the artist.
Sang Nila Utama (from the Genealogy Series), 2003. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue.
One of Several Tigers, 2017. Collection of Singapore Art Museum. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue.
EARTH, 2009. Collection of Singapore Art Museum. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue.
Special thanks to Singapore Art Museum.