Ho Tzu Nyen


Ho Tzu Nyen生於並現居新加坡,其創作橫跨動畫、影片、表演和裝置藝術,透過借用並重塑神話和歷史,對現實世界和歷史的建構方式提出質疑。

他的大部分作品都與新加坡息息相關,新加坡是前英國殖民地,現在則是多元文化的島國。 Ho Tzu Nyen的藝術創作以新加坡為中心向外延伸,並開始融入東南亞和東亞其他文化的神話和歷史。



一個題為《Ho Tzu Nyen: Time & the Tiger》的調查展覽於2023年在新加坡美術館揭幕,涵蓋他過去二十年以來的作品。展覽將於今年在首爾善宰藝術中心(Art Sonje Center)和紐約埃塞爾藝術博物館(Hessel Museum of Art)巡迴展出,再於2025年進駐盧森堡現代美術館(Mudam Contemporary Art Museum)。他亦於2024年4月在東京都現代美術館舉辦名為《A for Agents》的個展。

他表示:「CHANEL Next Prize為我提供支持,鼓勵我大步向前邁進。」

T for Time, 2023–ongoing. Commissioned by Singapore Art Museum and Art Sonje Centre with M+, in collaboration with Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo and Sharjah Art Foundation and supported by KOFICE. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue. Exhibition view at Ho Tzu Nyen: Time & the Tiger at Singapore Art Museum, 2023.​
T for Time: Timepieces, 2023–ongoing. Commissioned by Singapore Art Museum and Art Sonje Centre with M+, in collaboration with Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo and Sharjah Art Foundation. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue.
Exhibition view at Ho Tzu Nyen: Time & the Tiger at Singapore Art Museum, 2023.​
The Cloud of Unknowing, 2011. Installation view at the Singapore Pavilion, Venice Biennale 2011. Photo by Russell Morton. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue.​
The Cloud of Unknowing, 2011. Installation view at Singapore Art Museum, 2013.
Photo by Singapore Art Museum. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue.​
The Cloud of Unknowing, 2011. Collection of Singapore Art Museum. Exhibition view at Ho Tzu Nyen: Time & the Tiger at Singapore Art Museum, 2023.​
Hotel Aporia, 2019. Collection of Singapore Art Museum. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue. Exhibition view at Ho Tzu Nyen: Time & the Tiger at Singapore Art Museum, 2023.​
CDOSEA (The Critical Dictionary of Southeast Asia), 2017–ongoing. In collaboration with Sebastian Lütgert, Jan Gerber and Bani Haykal. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue.​
​CDOSEA (The Critical Dictionary of Southeast Asia), 2017–ongoing. Documentation of installation at The Principle of Uncertainty at MMCA Seoul, 2017. Courtesy of the artist.​
Sang Nila Utama (from the Genealogy Series), 2003. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue.​
One of Several Tigers, 2017. Collection of Singapore Art Museum. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue.​
EARTH, 2009. Collection of Singapore Art Museum. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue.
Special thanks to ​Singapore Art Museum.